The 4th Gen of machine translation

A revolution is happening in machine translation.

A large language model with overwhelming performance.

Incorporating the various technologies we have cultivated so far

Machine translation has dramatically improved.

Experience the unprecedented machine translation.

The 4th Gen of AI translation

What is unprecedented?

Google Translate, DeepL, Microsoft Translator. Also known as Neural MT, the third generation. It appeared 10 years ago and surprised everyone with its high quality.

Time has passed, and large language models are taking over the world of AI. Machine translation is no exception. Cistate Solutions has successfully developed the 4th Gen AI translation based on large language models.

The features of the 4th Gen AI translation are unprecedented quality, unprecedented flexibility, and unprecedented possibilities. We can create an automatic translation mechanism that truly fits your business and content.


By Takao Tanaka 17 Apr, 2024
Gathers local government related terms in multiple languages and publishes them as the "Language Asset Database for Local Governments". Anyone can freely browse it.
By Takao Tanaka 11 Mar, 2024
Cistate Translation Proxy, a website automatic multilingualization solution, has been implemented on the website of the International Society for Trenchless Technology (ISTT). The content of the association's website is translated from English to Japanese, Spanish, German, and Portuguese, and delivered to engineers in each country.
By Takao Tanaka 31 Jan, 2024
Cistate Translation Proxy, a website automatic multilingualization solution, will be provided free of charge to "2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Support Information Navigation". It supports the dissemination of support information in multiple languages.
By Hideo Yanagi 05 Jan, 2024
If we consider Google Translate (NMT) as the 3rd Gen, we can say that AI translation based on large language models (LLM) is the 4th Gen. The characteristic of the 4th Gen is that it can easily learn (certain types of) rules for translating "terms" and "phrases" compared to the 3rd Gen.
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Strengths of Cistate Solutions

言葉へのこだわりと最先端 AI 翻訳の研究開発

Cistate Solutions is not just a company of engineers. It has strong dedication to language and translation, which enables it to create AI technology. We extract the power of AI by working backwards from the business challenges our clients want to solve. We strive for research and development every day for that purpose.

AI と業務をつなげるシステム構築の経験

AI is a brain. Even with just a brain, it cannot be utilized in business. To harness the power of AI by connecting its brain with your business, it is necessary to have the ability to build a system that understands the characteristics of AI and your business. Leave it to Cistate Solutions, which boasts extensive experience in system development.

AI 翻訳の力を引き出す基盤技術の数々

With AI machine translation, you can fully utilize your company's language assets. If you already have a glossary and translation memory, simply import them into the Cistate TextDB database to automatically integrate with AI translation. For editing translations, you can use the user-friendly Cistate TextDB Browser and Cistate Translation Editor on the web.

Web サイトを AI 翻訳で英語展開・多言語展開したい

Cistate Translation Proxy があります。御社の Web サイトを瞬間に多言語化。異次元の AI 翻訳で、高品質な Web サイト多言語版の立ち上げを自動化するサーバーテクノロジーです。翻訳の編集はブラウザベースのツールで簡単に。さらに、編集された翻訳は、AI 翻訳の学習に自動的に使われます。

All you need to prepare is the URL of your existing website. Just contact us and we will quickly launch a website in the desired language.

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